We began in January 2004 with a visit from Neil Mann who helped us out as a last minute stand in, followed in February by Colin Murphy who gave a very interesting and different talk – until he ran out of time. March saw the visit of Ian McKechnie who had the members very amused and then we heard from Alex Burgess in April all about Radio Humberside and the commentaries.The first half of the year ended with a very successful lunch in May.

When our programme resumed in September, John Cooper regaled members with the behind the scenes stories of the pop concerts – particularly Elton John. Neil Thompson covered his career for the October meeting and John Hose explained his duties as Safety Officer in November. The traditional Christmas lunch brought 2004 to a close in December.

Following the Committee’s decision to make our year match the football season, the period under review now covers to May 2005.

Ken Houghton got 2005 off to a rousing start when he paid us a visit in January whilst February saw the return visit, as promised, from Colin Murphy who again enlightened us with his different look at football and the Tigers in particular. In March, a new double act appeared when David Bond and Jeff Barmby told us all about the ex-Tigers. April saw the visit of Brendon Smurthwaite who explained the media background to the club. To end the season, following the news of our promotion, May saw a celebratory end of season lunch.

We are pleased to have been able to help with the kit sponsorship of three players and to help with the Junior teams visit to Holland. In addition the Committee have provided the wine and fruit juice at all the lunches. We have also purchased our own P.A. equipment for use at our meetings. Alan our Treasurer will explain any items on our balance sheet when he follows me.

The Senior Tigers owe a debt of gratitude to many people who have helped to make the Senior Tigers the success it has turned out to be. Who would have thought we would still be going in 2005 when we began in 1999?

I must thank the following:-

  1. Adam Pearson without whom the Senior Tigers would not have flourished. His assistance is very much valued.
  2. James Wood and the staff at FNC for their help in arranging meeting rooms and lunch arrangements.
  3. All our Guest Speakers who have so willingly agreed to come and speak at our meetings.
  4. Steve on the P.A. for announcements of our meetings and Matt for finding space in the programme for our notes.
  5. To you the members who have regularly attended our meetings in such numbers that the Whiteley suite was no longer large enough. With your support it makes it all worth while.
  6. Finally my personal thanks to all the members of the Committee who have helped behind the scenes and at the meetings.

Let us hope we shall again have another successful series of meetings during the present season.


GORDON TOWSE (Chairman) May 2005