Memorabilia Gallery

This Memorabilia Gallery is a collection of photos and images collected from various sources (please click for Acknowledgements and Copyright Information) that together provide a unique insight into the heritage and history of Hull City AFC. Plus it shows what supporters have kept as mementoes of their support of the Tigers. It is a vehicle to preserve images of items that otherwise may be lost forever.

Please help make this a site that all Tigers fans can be proud of. If you identify any errors, inconsistencies or can add additional information please send details to

Click the button below to read more about our journey to create the Memorabilia Gallery and view promotional videos created courtesy of KCOM.

Read The Memorabilia Story

Matches, Programmes, Tickets and more…

Hull City Teams

Teams, Players, Match Action and more…

Club Documents

Football Grounds

Trophies and Medals

Match Souvenirs

Kits and Clothing

Books, Media and Culture

Ad Hoc Items
